Advent Devotionals Now Available

Setting aside time to sit quietly with God and pray is an ideal way to prepare ourselves to welcome Jesus at Christmas. There are different Advent booklets from which to choose. The follow selections are available in the Ligo Room and on Sunday mornings at the entryways to our church. Please pick up your copies:

Heading to the Manger-Advent Meditations from Great Christian Writers of the Past
Like the shepherds before us, all of us are heading to the manger during the season of Advent, but we are not making this journey alone. We have the voices of many of the faithful followers of Christ ringing in our ears–Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Thomas a Kempis, John Calving and others, as they reflect on the miracle of Christmas.

Let the Heavens Be Glad inspiration from Henri J.M. Nouwen
Each day of Advent, a scripture verse, a select reading of Nouwen’s writing, an original reflection based on that excerpt and a short prayer are presented. Through his many writings, Henri Nouwen carves a path for us to follow as we gladly celebrate with all the ranks of heaven our newborn King’s arrival to save us from sin and death.

A Season for Singing, devotions for Advent by Dr. Mary Manz Simon Devotional messages centered around the songs of Christmas, reminding us that we can receive and share with others the most wonderful present-the gift of God’s own Son.

An Advent Alphabet, from Frontier Fellowship
Frontier Fellowship connects followers of Jesus to engage the world’s least reached peoples and places with the Good News of His Kingdom. To download the digital version or to receive daily readings in your inbox visit

Come To Bethlehem And Be Nourished
Advent’s hunger gives way to Christmas fulfillment. This is Presbyterians Today’s Advent and Christmas Devotional to read online at This devotional includes the baking of bread, (or a loaf from local grocery store) as you are fed by scripture and the life-giving words of Jesus, the “bread from Heaven” being nourished to do the work he began, bringing hope for all.

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